Thursday 15 November 2012

Phone fun

Sometimes people tease me about my love of all things girly, but it does not bother me one bit. It means that I can have fun comparing hello kitty phone cases with my other girly friends!!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

My bad knee...

Last Sunday evening I dislocated my knee cap. This has rendered me rather immobile and somewhat unable to fend for myself. Friends and family have all been amazing, visiting, shopping and cooking for me. Yesterday Lola wanted me to take a rest from my physio so decided to camp out across my leg so I couldn't move!!

Thursday 27 September 2012

A much needed lunch

A couple of weeks ago I had an unusually taxing and stressful work week, I was not the only one. My lovely friend over at Style over Sense also had a hideous week, so we did what anyone would... We ate and complained. We met at Mimi's Bakehouse, an Edinburgh staple for afternoon tea and comfort food. I had the largest plate of French Toast with maple syrup and crispy bacon. Yes this was in the middle of a Thursday, but I needed the comfort.

For a mid afternoon treat I took one of their decadent red velvet cupcakes back to the office with me, which made up for the fact that I now had coffee and maple syrup down my white t-shirt!! Yum.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Clever little cat

I have a clever little cat. She knows when I am having a horrible day, or I'm sad and need a little bit of cat-therapy. I have found the past few days particularly hard and Lola has been giving me cuddles. Sometimes she then tries to bite my face but I still love her all the same!

Monday 10 September 2012

A list from the director

I recently finished being Assistant Director on a play for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It was such a busy period and before I knew what was happening the play was finished and I was jetting off on a 10 day holiday to Barcelona. This gave me no time to dwell on how much I would miss all of these wonderful people who had become like family to me and the little things that would make me smile every rehearsal.

I have already started working on the next play, so today when I stumbled upon this list, that was written by our beautiful and creative director, I was unprepared for the emotions it would pull to the surface. She has managed to capture all of the highs and the lows (both of which I am thankful for). I don't think that there is anything more I would want to add so instead I would like to say this...

To Claire,
Thank you.
You may not have realised this but you were more to us than just our Director. You were there for all of the ups and downs that came our way during this play and the support you gave, both in and out of the pub, was huge. You played the biggest role of all as counsellor, mother, disciplinarian, sounding board, shoulder to cry on and friend. I will miss our catch ups on the car ride home where we solve all our problems from the front seat. I will miss laughing with you about the little things that happened that day, or joining you in a rant.
I hope we will work together sometime soon.
Emma x

My personal favourite items on Claire's list are:
Friday nights in the pub.
Most of all, Friday nights in the pub.
The shorts.
Me ranting and ringing my hands.
Cartons of wine.
Johnny mouthing whole swathes of Dad's speeches. Convenient understudy.
Father Borghese.
Our matching T-shirts.
The night Emma burst onto the stage in the dark black between the scenes.
Cath telling her little sister why she missed her.
Johnny breaking up with Rosemary. For all the wrong reasons.
All the people that cried, scripted, in secret or otherwise. For you made it what it turned out to be.

Friday 7 September 2012

Yummy fruit

I love having something to look forward to, this morning it was the delicious mix of melon and pomegranate waiting for me to eat for my lunch.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Once upon a time...

There was a girl who was incredibly silly. She met a boy who gives her butterflies in her tummy every time she sees him. Sometimes when she sends him a mushy text message that he does not reply to, and she then sees him at lunch time, she will run away round a corner and hide.

I also secretly miss his moustache and beard!!

(image via)

Sunday 6 May 2012

The plants on my windowsill

Plants in the Morning


Sometimes it's hard to see the things in life that make you happy. If this is the case I will share some of mine here for whenever you need to borrow one.